Friday 26 July 2013

A Viewpoint of an Officer - Perception of the Army

                                                                       An article by a serving Colonel

I was all of 48 yrs when I was superseded in my present rank. At a social-do, I was asked by this pretty girl, ‘Just 48, and the end of the road for you! What has Army really given you? You’ve never been paid well in the Army. And see what they have done to you now!’

I appraised her from top to bottom. I must confess she was a pretty sight. What I told her was this.

'Army, my dear, is a way of life. It is not about making a living. As far as supercession is concerned, lady, that is way of army life. You can’t complain just because your personal interest, as you perceive it, has not been looked after. Army has wonderful, time-tested evolved systems. You don’t fight personal battles for the heck of it. And it is about selfishness, dear – Service Before Self is our motto'..

Remember it is a Service (seva). There are no expectations of rewards in Seva, for Seva is considered its own reward. ‘What has Army given me?’, you asked. It has given me a glimpse and understanding of dimensions you, in the civil sector, can only wonder and feel over-awed about. Have you any idea of camaraderie?

When you see a soldier brave the shower of artillery shrapnel to rush to rescue his bleeding colleague just wounded in the shelling you KNOW the meaning of the word ‘camaraderie’. When you are lying in a hospital on a DI List, and there are 20 blood donors of your blood-group spending the cold night in the verandah of the hospital, just so that any emergency call for blood to save your life may be attended to, that is camaraderie. Camaraderie implies selfless help and support to someone who is not necessarily a friend.

You have to cross Banihal, my dear, to understand all this.

Do you know the holy significance of the word ‘command’? It is a sacred word. And who can know the meaning of it other than a person in uniform? Even the CEO of a Fortune 500 company can’t comprehend the significance of this sacred word. When you are in ‘command’ you are God. Can you comprehend what being God can be like? It is not about the authority, it is about responsibility. The authority comes into play after you have rendered your part of the deal of unflinching loyalty displayed towards your subordinates. Now when you signal him – not ask him or tell him or order him – to dash-down-crawl-observe- fire, and in the process subject himself to imminent death, he does so without a second thought. This is when you REALIZE what is so sacred about command. Even before you can move your hand to the door of the car/ gypsy, the driver jumps from his seat and beats you to the door, is what command gets you. Such are the rewards of command.

Do you know the meaning of ‘being a gentleman’? In the last thirty years in uniform one has witnessed a proliferation of designations in the civil environment. There have been Executive Officers, and there have been Managers – General Mangers, Assistant Managers, and a whole spectrum of them. There are CEOs and Vice Presidents. In the Army we have only ‘Officers’. Some are General Officers and some just Company Officers. Even at the induction level we have Young Officers. What it means to be an ‘Officer’ is something you can’t comprehend. Hollywood tried to bring about a differentiation, calling the phenomenon, ‘An Officer and a Gentleman’, little knowing that being a gentleman is inherent when you are an OFFICER.

Being a gentleman is his primary nature, not second-nature.

His behaviour is bhadra – i.e. kalyan-kaarak swabhav, guna, aur karma. Army imbibes this peculiar quality in us when we are as young as 17 to 20 years only. I’ll explain with an example. An officer once held the door open for a particular lady. She, trying to be smartly polite said, ‘You don’t have to hold the door open for me just because I’m a lady.’ He replied, ‘Ma’am, I’m not holding it for you because you are a lady, but because I’m a gentleman.’ We may appear to be ruthless egoists, but we are Enlightened Egoists.

In the corporate world have you ever come across the word ‘honour’? In uniform we serve only for honour, not the ‘package’. Naam, Namak, Nishan – are alien words in the corporate world. You know what it means to serve for honour? When a subordinate, who already has a bad ankle, is told of a mission which entails 12 hours of walk in the most rugged terrain; and when he expresses reservation on account of his current physical condition, is told that if we can’t do it, it will be a smudge on the regiment; AND THERE IS NO ONE TO REPLACE HIM. He says he’ll do his bit. He climbs 10 ropes ahead of everyone else only to find that there is no one behind him and the mission is thus called off. He reports from the top, only 5840m (nearly 20000 ft!), that he with two others of his team are on top and no one is in sight, either behind him or ahead (enemy). He comes back to the base two days later – and what an ankle he has! A swollen ankle with 10-inch girth!!! That is working for the honour.

Army has commanders at every level – langar commander, section commander/ detachment commander, platoon commander/troop commander, and up the chain to Brigade Commanders, and General Officers Commanding in Chief. The General Officers in command of field forces are the best in their league. What is implied by the term ‘commander’? Maybe something you in the corporate world will never get to know. To be a commander implies responsibility, complete responsibility. As a commander you are responsible for every dimension of your command – right from his morning cup of tea, his toilet facilities, his professional training, his mental makeup, his family’ well being and his spiritual requirements. In the Army we first train young boys, and now even young girls like you, to be an Officer and then to be a Commander, in that order. Can you get an idea, even an iota of it, Lady? Can you get a feel of why we feel distinctly proud, and display it, when we say, 'We in the Army'.
"Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance"

Friday 5 July 2013

Higher Education – A National Curse

Education is said to be an answer for all social evils and I wonder how? The fundamental reason why one seeks education is to get employment and enhanced standard of living. As against this, education is only creating a frustrated India. Traditionally, due to limited numbers only the meritorious could enroll for higher education and eventually got jobs. The rest of them settled for vocations that best suited them and thus the country was endowed with both types of labor, white and blue collared. The present day pseudo education has changed the entire landscape of the labor market. Today, by making education reachable to all and sundry, the country is producing far more engineers, doctors and other graduates than that can be employed gainfully and privatized education has miserably lowered the standards making them disguised educated who are worthless to say the least.

The impact of this has been profound on the rural populace. With monsoons being erratic, thanks to climate change, a consequence of global warming, coupled with poor irrigation system even after 6 decades of planed economy, thanks to swindling of money meant for irrigation by vested interests, the rural community is disengaging from their primary occupation and want their children to get educated and seek employment in the cities. As a result, they sell everything in their possession, primarily land and cattle, to educate their children with a hope that they will get employment and take care of the family, though the reality is, such children barring exceptions, are just not employable in the private sector. That leaves them with the only choice of somehow getting into a government job and the supply-demand disparity has created enormous opportunity for corruption. Virtually every post is sold for a price and there is an informal auction that takes place. The ones who can afford get in and the others are left in the lurch. There are other indirect forms of corruption too. Every time there is a government examination, the trains overflow and the ticket collectors do brisk business at the cost of reserved passengers and even the AC coaches are not spared. Effectively, the family looses their priced possession in return for a pseudo educated child/children who can’t get employment and are not willing to do small jobs. While wealth has changed hands leaving the poor poorer, it has robbed the youth’s willingness of doing vocational jobs.

Here is some revealing statistics that appeared in the local news paper. Of the 14000 students admitted in engineering colleges affiliated to Nagpur University in 2009-10 only 4366 students took final year examination of which 3956 passed and shamelessly the university is boasting of 90% results. The reality is that almost 10,000 students fell by the wayside after spending a lot of money. The infrastructure of some of the engineering colleges are so pathetic that the High Court had to order a ban on them. One such institution belongs to former AICC General Secretary and minister in the Maharashtra government. 

These colleges attract rural students with 40-45% in standard XII and provide no teachers and conduct no classes. These institutions also share laboratory facilities with other institutions to optimize cost. Can such students studying in such third rate institutions can ever become employable engineers? As a result, on the one hand we get to see thousands of engineers, doctors and other graduates sitting at home waiting for a miracle to happen and on the other hand there are  large number of frustrated youth floating around directionless. As a consequence society struggles to get blue colored labor even for day to day maintenance work. 

I wonder how education has contributed to this country, except for developing a false pride with eventual frustration in the youth and creating wealth for the rich and the corrupt. Though late, thankfully this realization is gaining ground and hence these so called institutions of higher education are forced to shut shop. 

Hopefully, this will correct the labor market situation in the next few decades at least!!!!

Saturday 29 June 2013

Part III - Judiciary - A Failed Pillar of Indian Democracy!!!!

Here is another account of how Judiciary takes pride in failing the common man. Whilst I was in the last leg of my Naval service, I booked a bungalow in May 2009 at Bhopal. I booked a particular unit, the superstructure of which was ready and I was promised possession within a year, though the agreed period was 24 months. I was to retire in Apr 2011 and hoped to move in and settle down. The work progressed well till Apr 2010 by when the brick work and internal plaster was completed and I had shelled out 90% of the project cost. Thereafter, suddenly the project came to a standstill. Every time the project manager made a new commitment which invariably failed. According to the agreement, the company was to pay a compensation of Rs. 9,000/- per month for delay beyond 24 months but that was not being honored.
I retired in Apr 2011 and since there was no progress whatsoever, I had to move to Nagpur. The company employees gradually started quitting and there was a stage when except for an office boy and security guard, there was no one in the office to attend to customer enquiry. In anguish, I went to Delhi to meet the Directors of the company but was entertained by another employee who made several bold promises. Ultimately, when no headway was being made, I found it wise to register a case in the district consumer forum, in Feb 2012.
The case was admitted and notices were served but no one was available in the builder’s office to accept the notice because of which the case did not proceed further for three months. Finally when a new project head was appointed, the notice got served and they were given one month to respond. The company remained dormant and after three months the court decided to hear the case in the absence of the opponent. Just a day prior to the hearing date, the company took a stay from the State forum and filed a petition seeking time to respond. The judge generously granted them 3 months. In their reply the company claimed that I had not paid the installments on time and hence I am not entitled to any compensation. This was a blatant lie and to the contrary, I had paid one installment in advance.
I filed my reply providing all documentary evidence and the court decided to hear the argument on 05 Feb 2013, after one year of filing my complaint. On 5th Feb 13, the hearing did not take place as the President was transferred and a new president had not been appointed. In complete disregard to public inconvenience, the court scheduled final argument on 29 Jun 13, a delay of 5 months straight. The company recommenced work in the site in Nov 2012 but was not touching the units of those who filed a case in the court. They have a standard answer now, “The matter is in the court, we will progress the unit only after court decision. Alternatively, withdraw the case”. The company started progressing work of other units sold almost a year after me. I urged the advocate to file an ‘urgent hearing’ application, who was reluctant and literally defied by not doing so. I also gave up and was hoping like hell that the matter will be argued on 29 Jun 2013. To my utter disgust, I was informed by the advocate that since the President is on two days leave the case has been postponed to 24 Aug 2013.
On the other hand, the company is collecting stage payments on units that are progressed, by threatening to cancel the allotment and refusing to pay any compensation for the delay. Further, the company is refusing to handover possession of houses that are ready unless the buyer withdraws the case, sign a ‘no claim’ undertaking and pay up the legal charges incurred by the company. I see no option but to fall in line as the judicial system has rendered me helpless. The other option left is to approach a criminal who could handle this for me but regretfully my services background is preventing me from doing that. Some buyers who had political or muscle connections have been able to get their way, though.
Wonder what a common man could do?  Definitely, this country is heading towards anarchy!!!!!!  

Saturday 22 June 2013

Life Skills Training - A True Learning Session

 As my son turned 18 recently, I thought of training him on essential life skills required to survive in India. He wanted to open a bank account. I asked him to plan a visit to the State Bank of India, Main Branch as all our accounts are in that branch. He chose to visit the branch on a Saturday and I asked him to go about behaving like an adult and get the work done, while I guide him remotely.
We reached the bank together and after showing him the desk where new accounts are opened, I went on to operate my locker. Within a minute he returned to me saying his account can’t be opened in that branch because we reside beyond the jurisdiction of the main branch, something that sounded strange to me as all our accounts are in the same bank. I told the staff that we have three accounts in that branch and hence it should be possible to open the fourth one, upon which he bothered to see the documents that my son was carrying to ascertain the residential address. He also insisted on knowing the details of other three accounts and finally he gave the application form and asked my son to fill it up and give a copy of identity proof and address proof.
Soon enough a hunt for pen commenced as he had not brought one and since the form was voluminous and in any case photo copies of documents had to be taken, he decided to buy a pen too. He went around the place but there was no sight of a copying center and finally after walking some distance he found one and got the documents copied and bought a blue pen too. He could fill only part of the form and went back to the staff for clarification but was redirected to me for further help. My son wondered (a) why they can’t provide photocopying service for a cost, instead of making the customer run around? (b) Why is there a board behind the desk that reads “May I Help You?”, if he has to shoo away customers?
On filling the form, he realized that some signatures are required only in black color and hence had to borrow a pen from other customer. The form duly filled and photocopies of documents ready, he approached the staff again and within a flash the form was rejected as copy of the electricity bill was not attached. My son returned to me and I intervened again, much to the dislike of the staff. I explained that copy of ‘Adhar’ card is attached which has a photograph and also the address and that Adhar card is mother of all cards in the country. Not amused by the pun, he insisted that two different documents are required, one for photo identification and another for address proof. Luckily, my son was carrying his dependent’s identity card   issued by the Indian Navy. He went out once again to get a photo copy and furnished the documents but yet again the application was rejected as this identity card was not acceptable. I had to again intervene as the form does include identity cards issued by government to be a valid identity proof. As a first reaction, the staff had assumed it to be an identify card issued by the college (incidentally, even this is valid as per the form) but after explaining that it is issued by Government of India, he accepted the form and asked us to come on Monday with a copy of the electricity bill.
My son wondered why he is opening an account in State Bank of India and asked me why not in any other bank where the staff is more helpful. It was then that I realized that perhaps, we oldies have learnt to live with this nonsense. But when we have a choice now, why should we go through this.
On our way back home, I asked my son to summarize his learning and this is what he had to say:-
a.                   If you can help it, never deal with government banks.
b.                  If you have to, then carry enough copies of all kinds of proofs like Adhar, Driving License, Electricity bill, Photo Identity cards issued by Government, College etc.  
c.                   Carry a pen always, the one that can write in at least four colors viz. black, blue, red and green, as you never know which color will be insisted where.
d.                  Never take a ‘No’ from the staff on face value. Question, clarify and if required argue as they may not be there to help in the first place.
e.                  Never plan too many things for a day, as you never know how long a silly thing like opening a bank account may take.

On reaching home he called up one of the private banks who promised to facilitate the process at our residence and now even I am contemplating to shift all my investments out of State Bank of India.
But who cares!!!!!!!!

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Part II - Judiciary - A Failed Pillar of Indian Democracy!!!!

Here is another account of the judicial system – The Consumer Forum.
I had purchased a bungalow at Nagpur in 2008 for a sum of 19,25,000/-. An agreement to sale was duly registered for the said amount but at the time of handing over possession, the builder demanded 4% of the basic price (Rs. 82,125/-) as service tax stating that the government has imposed this tax after the agreement date and that the same is payable by all customers. In the same breath he also stated that the builder’s association has represented to the government and in case the government reverses the provision, the amount will be returned back to the customers. Since I was on short leave to take possession and execute the sale deed and had no time to verify the facts, I paid the additional amount in good faith and obtained a receipt for the same. Almost two years later, accidentally I hit upon a government order of Jan 2009 in the internet which had reversed the service tax provisions based on the representation of the builder’s association. I immediately got in touch with the builder and asked for my money back. He however, claimed to have paid this money to the Service Tax department as the department had issued a notice to him in this regard.
This started a new litigation. I wrote several letters to the builder and made numerous calls asking for proof of payment to the department so that I can make an effort to get the money back. He remained evasive and non-committal. In Apr 2011, I retired from service and after meeting him personally and allowing another three months for him to obtain the records from his CA, I was left with no option but to send a RTI application to the service tax department seeking a copy of the voucher under which the builder paid the tax. To my horror and surprise, the service tax department in their reply said that the builder does not hold service tax registration number in the first place and hence no information can be provided.
I challenged the builder once again with the letter from the service tax department and when he was adamant on his stand I had to approach the consumer forum in Oct 2011. The case was admitted and the builder was sent a notice to which he did not reply for three months. When the case was scheduled for ex-party hearing, the builder filed his reply in Mar 2012 stating that he had paid the tax amount to the department, without providing any proof. The case was to be scheduled for final argument but because the term of the president of the forum was to end in Jul 2012, he was busy in winding up office and left the matter for the new incumbent to handle. The new incumbent was appointed in Jan 2013, almost after 6 months after the previous man left the post.
The case was finally scheduled for final argument in Mar 2013 and the argument was clearly in my favor as there was no evidence on record to prove the builder’s claim. Logically, the final order should have been issued within a month but the same was not done and the forum had a month long summer vacation in May. On reopening, the president was appraised of the pendency but by then the member who heard the case was transfered the new incumbent wants to hear the case afresh before passing an order. Finally after my personbal request, te president scheduled a fresh hearing on 28 Jun an dmuch ot my disbeleif, he imself was missing on that day as he had gone for his medicals for assuming the post of District Judge. Now god alone knows when the new president will be appointed and when the case will be argued and when the order will be passed. After this ordeal, the builder will appeal in the state forum which is worse than this and the saga will continue.......
The questions that come to my mind are:-
a.      Isn’t our justice system crumbled completely?
b.      Is there any accountability in the system?
c.       Isn’t the government wasting tax payers’ money in promoting consumer awareness when the system is just not in a position to deliver justice?
d.      Was I not stupid in trusting the judicial system in the first place?

May god save the common man!!!!!!

Judiciary - A Failed Pillar of Indian Democracy!!!!

India boasts of its three pillars of democracy – The Executive, Legislative and Judiciary. While I was always sure of the failed status of the first two pillars, I had some faith in the judiciary till I had a firsthand experience recently.
Post retirement from the Indian Navy in 2011, having acquiring four post graduate degrees in management and doctorate in Psychology (allied to Organizational Behavior) I decided to join the education field with a noble intention of contributing to the development of future generation. Accordingly, I took up an assignment as Director of one of the Management Institutions affiliated to Nagpur University. I did all that was possible within my means and the willingness of the management, to provide quality education to students.
Almost 8 months after my appointment by the institution, the university constituted a committee of subject experts to hold an interview to regularize my appointment and the committee in all its experience and wisdom, recommended my candidature. The proposal was then submitted to the university for according formal approval to my appointment. However, after three months, the institution was informed of the Vice Chancellor’s decision of not granting approval to my appointment as my PhD is not in Business Management/ Administration.
This was not a straight case as it appears. The Dy. Registrar of the university who was looking after approval of teaching staff of affiliated colleges had once called me with a request to take special care of his son who was studying in my college. As a true teacher, I indeed started taking interest in that boy. He was shy / timid and needed exposure to gain confidence. However, he hardly attended college and out of concern, I called him once and warned him. Apparently, he felt bad and informed his father who in turn sealed my case. Beyond representing once to the Vice Chancellor, the management did not wish to pursue the matter though there was no merit in the argument of the university. Incidentally, there was more than one case within the same university including the Director of the Department of Business Management whose PhD is not in Business Management/Administration.
As a responsible citizen of the country, I first resigned from the post and after making three written representations to the Vice Chancellor, who did not respond, filed a writ petition in the Nagpur bench of Bombay High Court in Apr 2012. The case was duly admitted and the university took the same position that my PhD was not in Business Management. When the case was leaning in my favor, the university in a face saving attempt requested the court to include AICTE as a respondent to the case to clarify the stand. AICTE took almost three months to file their response and remained noncommittal stating that they have no jurisdiction in deciding the qualification of faculty even though the appointmentss are made strictly based on the directions issued by the AICTE, which does not specify that the PhD has to be in Business Management/Administration only.  
Having met a dead end once again, the honorable Judge questioned the veracity of two other Directors' appointment including the Director of the Department of Business Management of the university who holds PhD in a subject other than Business Management. The malaise having been exposed, the university did not respond to this query for four months and each time the case was adjourned as the respondent did not file a reply to the court’s query. In the meantime, the court administration reallocated cases and mine was listed for hearing in front of a new set of judges and promptly the respondent filed the reply. In a complete ‘U’ turn the university agreed to accord approval if the candidate engages four sessions in a week and remained silent about the query raised by the honorable judge. Incidentally, the requirement of engaging four sessions is applicable to all Principals/Directors as per the University Grants Commission norms.
I and my counsel were now confident that the case will be decided in our favor and the university will be directed to accord approval as and when I apply again. Logically, I even expected the honorable judge to admonish the respondent university for turning down my case arbitrarily. However, in a dramatic twist of events, on the day of final hearing the honorable judge disposed the petition stating that since the petitioner had resigned from the post, any direction now will be academic in nature and hence there is no case at all. This came as a rude shock and any attempt by the counsel to explain, fell on deaf ears.
This gives rise to following questions:-
a.      If there was no case, then why the case was admitted in the first place?
b.      Why it took 15 months for the learned judges to realize that there was no case?
c.       What about the university staff who intentionally turned down approval, forcing me to resign.
d.      How could a responsible person continue in the post for 15 months when the university did not grant approval? Won’t the management of the institution sack him?
e.      Is this what is justice?
f.        Will a common man like me ever go to court after this experience?
g.      Does truth prevail in this country?
h.      Do the judges deserve the respect they demand?
i.    Will I ever aspire to be a sincere teacher in this country?

Sunday 24 February 2013

Relevance of Values in Talent Acquiition and Retention

Speech delivered by Dr (Cdr) NK Natarajan at the National Conclave of
National HRD Network on 08 Oct 2011 

Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is indeed a privilege to be associated with NHRD and I am really grateful for giving me this opportunity to share some of my experiences as a recruiter and also as a research scholar. This afternoon, I will be talking to you on the ‘Relevance of Values in Talent Acquisition and Retention’. To give you a brief background on how I ventured into exploring this field; I was quite perplexed with myself when the thought of quitting the armed forces came into my mind way back in 2002 when I was actually riding the wave with medals and commendations coming my way at regular intervals. I was surely doing well yet the turnover intention was getting bolder by the day. I did not know why? Everything seemed alright except that there was some strange feeling that was pulling me away from the organization which literally nurtured me into adulthood as I was only 18 when I first wore the uniform. Having successfully completed the training on personnel selection at Defence Institute of Psychological Research, New Delhi, I was posted as a recruitment psychologist at Selection Centre Central, Bhopal and this was a fertile ground for research work. I took that opportunity to understand as to ‘what propel people to leave their organization?’ After 3½ years of dedicated work, I found some answers to my own perplexity and that is what I intend to share with you today.

What propels the turnover intention has been a subject of study for several decades. Yet there is no conclusive evidence which can be theorized and made part of the body of knowledge. However, it is a challenge being faced by every organization today. While the literature is full of theories of Maslow, Herzberg and others, some of the recent studies have penetrated deep into what these theoreticians have proclaimed. And one new dimension that has generated a lot of curiosity is the study of ‘Values – Both Personal and Organizational’. Traditionally, recruiters have focused on P-J fit or person-job fit which can be defined as individual having the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA) to perform the job where as the focus should be on overall P-O fit or Person-Organization fit which can be broadly defined as congruence of the personal values of the employee with the values of the organization. I have come across several HRs who very passionately argue that what matters are results and hence what concern them is P-J fit and that brings me to the point of explaining what are values and why they are important. 

Understanding values require us to understand their relationship to needs. Animals act on instinct, preprogrammed how to respond by nature; whereas people act on free will, choosing for themselves on how to respond. Our choices are based on values, which are beliefs about what is important in life. A primary function of values is to meet needs. According to Abraham Maslow, people have physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization needs. Maslow maintains that once people’s basic needs are met, they focus on their higher order needs of esteem and self-actualization. Attempting to meet needs brings us face-to-face with the dilemma of choice. This dilemma places us between two sets of forces: those pulling towards safety and those pushing towards growth and development. How people resolve this dilemma depends on their values. Values shape people’s preferred ways of satisfying their needs and, whether they’re aware of it or not, every action is guided by one or more values. Milton Rokeach said, “Values are the cognitive representations and transformations of needs, and man is the only animal capable of such representations and transformations”. Without the capacity to formulate and act on values, life on the human level would not exist. Thus, it is values which propel people to stay or quit an organization. Values are psychological constructs. They are internal to a person. Organizations as such don’t have values but, because they are composed of human beings, their cultures are shaped by values. The values of persons shape organizational behavior and the direction taken by organizations. These values must be largely shared in order for an organization to forge a direction leading to success. Without a reasonably high degree of shared values, organizations and the people in them will flounder and fail.

Now let us understand what is Organizational Commitment
Meyer and Allen identified three types of commitment; affective commitment, continuance commitment, and normative commitment. Affective commitment is defined as the emotional attachment, identification, and involvement that an employee has with his organization and its goals.

On the other hand, normative commitment is a “feeling of obligation”. It is argued that normative commitment is only natural due to the way we are raised in society. Normative commitment can be explained by other commitments such as marriage, family, religion, etc. Therefore, when it comes to one’s commitment to their place of employment they do feel that they have a moral obligation to the organization.

Continuance commitment is the willingness to remain in an organization because of the investment that the employee has which are “nontransferable”. For example retirement benefits, relationship with other employees etc.

All the three types of commitment are a psychological state “that either characterizes the employee’s relationship with the organization or has the implication to predict whether the employee will continue with the organization”. Generally, research shows that those employees with a strong affective commitment will remain with an organization because they want to, those with a strong continuance commitment remain because they have to, and those with a normative commitment remain because they feel that they have to. A committed employee is one who “stays with an organization, attends work regularly, puts in a full day and more, protects corporate assets, and believes in the organizational goals”. Such employees positively contribute to the organization because of their commitment to the organization.

Affective and normative commitment have been found to be highly and positively correlated, and both have been shown to be predictors of positive organizational behavior. Whereas, continuance commitment, on the other hand, has been found to be unrelated to affective commitment and negatively related to positive organizational behaviors. The only similarity between the three components of organizational commitment appears to be related to lower turnover intention, or ‘withdrawal cognitions’. Thus, one could say that an employee not willing to maintain organizational citizenship is not committed at all to the organization.

While research has identified a variety of outcomes of commitment the antecedents of commitment seem to be much more varied and inconsistent. However, recent studies point towards personal and organizational values as a major antecedent of commitment. This brings us to the point to understand the relationship between values and organizational commitment. 

It was Prof Joan Finegan, from the University of Western Ontario who in the year 2000, using the McDonald & Gandz value taxonomy, found that perceived organizational values – the values that the employee believe the organization holds – did to some extent predict employees’ levels of commitment. However, different value types predicted different commitment components. More recently, some of the Indian scholars went on to validate the findings of the western researchers did confirm that different clusters of values predict different facets of organizational commitment.

However, a more composite research done by me along with Prof Dinesh Nagar, a well known psychologist brought out some very significant results which I shall summarize.

Using a 24 items value taxonomy of McDonald & Gandz we asked 220 subjects to first indicate as to how important are these values to them personally on a 7 point Likert scale. Thereafter, we asked them to rate the same scale and indicate as to how they perceive these values being promoted in their organization. Finally, they were asked to rate each statement of the 18 item commitment scale developed by Mayer, Allen and Smith which measures all the three components of commitment namely Affective, Normative and Continuance commitments.

Using a principal component factor analysis, the 24 items of the value scale were reduced to 8 factors for better statistical analysis. The major results of the studies are as shown on the slide:-  
·         Both personal and organizational values predict commitment. However, perceived organizational values are more potent predictors of commitment.
  • Employees who value fairness, openness, logic and moral integrity are likely to be more effectively committed to the organization.  
  • Employees who perceive the organization to be fair, open, logical and promote moral integrity will feel the moral obligation to be part of such organizations.
·         It may therefore be said that if there is congruence between personal and perceived organizational values of fairness, openness, logic and moral integrity the employee will be highly committed affectively and normatively which will lead to effective work place behavior.

·         Employees who perceive their organization to be cautious, experimenting and demanding blind obedience will display continuance commitment and would leave the organization at the first possible instance.
These findings answered my question as to why I wanted to leave the armed forces. Going back to 2002, my then Commanding Officer projected his favorite boy with a citation quoting a life saving act which was actually performed by me. I protested but was given a shut up call and asked to fall in line. I officially represented but till date there has been no reply. Somewhere deep down in my memory the feelings of injustice remained. I was later offered the most coveted staff course which I refused. I continued with the organization as I was waiting for my pension (continuance commitment) and when I earned it I quit but was not released. I finally struggled my way out and retired. 

I wonder had this been a private sector where the exit barrier is not so high and there are no pensions, I would have perhaps jumped the fence much earlier. The lessons that I intend to transfer through this session are:-
·         Focus on P-O fit.
·         Hire people who value openness, fairness, logic and have strong moral integrity. Such people will stay committed to the organization. 
·         These people will also shape an organizational culture where these values will be promoted. Thus, there will be congruence between the personal and perceived organizational values.
·         Do a reality check once in a while, to see what the employees believe are the values that your organization promotes.
·         If need be, align your HR processes to make sure that the values of openness, fairness, logic and moral integrity are perceived to be promoted in your organization. 

I am not at all discounting the importance of P-J fit or Person-Job fit. All that I am advocating is to go beyond to see if there is an overall P-O fit in terms of shared values, if you want the employee to stay and deliver for a long time. A word of caution is that assessment of P-O fit through employment interview is not so easy and requires special skills. This can be the subject of my discourse some time else.

Since the instruments that we used in our research were developed in the West, the validity of the same in the Indian context was always a question mark. Hence, post research we collected data of nearly 1500 subjects spanning across the nation and revalidated these findings.  We have also come out with a scale that is more representative of the structure of Human Values in the Indian context.
Thank you so much for this opportunity Ladies and Gentlemen!!!